Man sitting next to another man pointing to a tablet  - Boopos Ambassador Referral Program

Ambassador Referral Program

Malén Buenaventura headshot

Hi I am Malén, your advisor and Ambassador Program Leader at Boopos.

We want to welcome you to our Ambassadors program.

This referral program is designed to reward you for telling your friends and network about Boopos.

It's super simple to become a Boopos Ambassador. Here's a video where I explain how the program works:

Step 1

First, please click here to sign up for our referral program. Upon registration, you'll receive a unique link that you can share directly with your network or paste into communications.

Step 2

If you haven't yet registered on Boopos, please do so before sharing your link. This step is crucial for tracking the users you invite correctly, ensuring they contribute towards your rewards.

Step 3

Once you've joined the program, you'll receive an email with a link to your dashboard. You'll be notified whenever someone registers through your link. Plus, you'll earn rewards for their transactions with us—10% of our commission for sales and 5% for purchases made by your connections.

But how much can you actually make? Let's do an exercise!:

If you refer a seller who successfully exits at $3M through Boopos, your commission would be calculated as follows: $3M * 4% * 10% = $12,000 for that single transaction.

The more referrals you make, the more you earn! 

If you have questions feel free to reach out at and I´ll be happy to get back asap.

Check out our blog post with all the details and T&Cs for this referral campaign.

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